Guide to access the SOHW repo

Written by Fahima Zulfath

Contribution to SOHW, 16 April 2018


First of all thanks for taking time to contribute for SOHW. Before you start, have a look at and file to know about how SOHW works.

Step 1: Add yourself as a contributor for our repository

    name: your name
    twitter: your twitter handle
    description: about you (Ex: Contributor to Open Science, Bug reporter, designer, etc)

Step 2: To add a category

Step 3: Fork the Repository


Step 4: To write a blog

layout: post

#event information
title:  "Title of your blog"
cover: "add image link" (Not want to add cover image then remove it)
date:   yyyy-mm-dd 

#event organiser details
author: "name"
category: "Category name" (e.g. Rust)


  your blog content here.....

Step 5: Submit a Pull Request

Submit a pull request. This opens a discussion around the project and lets the project lead know you are proposing changes. Be sure to add the relevant tests before making the pull request. Docs will be updated automatically when we merge to master, but you should also build the docs yourself and make sure they’re readable.

Hope it’s helpfull :)

Want to see something else added or report a bug? Open an issue.

Happy contributing!! Happy Global Sprinting :D